The Tron SART20 Radar Transponder is an electronic device that reacts automatically to radar emissions. This improves visibility on a radar screen. This SART is used to aid in the search for a ship or a liferaft in distress. Read more.
The Tron SART20 Radar Transponder is an electronic device that reacts automatically to radar emissions. This improves visibility on a radar screen. This SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) is used to aid in the search for a ship or a liferaft in distress.
All GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) vessels weighing less than 500 tons must carry at least one SART. Larger vessels are required to carry at least two SARTs. Non-GMDSS boats are highly encouraged to carry at least one.
A SART features a receiver that receives X-band radar waves (9.2 - 9.5 GHz). When the SART receives a signal, it sends out twelve pulses at the same frequency.
The Tron SART20 GMDSS 9ghz search and rescue radar transponder is MED and FCC approved, and it complies with IMO/SOLAS/GMDSS regulations.
Tron SART20 and Tron AIS-SART can both be used as "search and rescue locating devices" according to the IMO SOLAS Amendment in Resolution MSC.256(84), providing the ship owner the flexibility to pick either product as needed by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.
Proved performance
MED and other approvals available. Mandatory carriage equipment for all ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards, according to SOLAS III/6.2.2, III/26.2.5 and IV/7.1.3.