FURUNO’s FA-70 class B AIS Transponder receives navigation data from AIS-equipped vessels nearby that can be utilized to aid in safe navigation. SO-TDMA allows assignment of an AIS time slot, Read more.
FURUNO’s FA-70 class B AIS Transponder receives navigation data from AIS-equipped vessels nearby that can be utilized to aid in safe navigation. Also, the FA-70 transmits own ship’s information to the vessels around, which also aids in collision avoidance.FA-70 AIS receives vessel name, callsign, position, COG, SOG, and other useful information from surrounding vessels. FA-70 is a Class-B+ AIS that transmits your data with higher performance and faster rates than typical Class-B units, thus increasing your awareness. SO-TDMA enables an AIS time slot assignment that makes you visible even in congested waters.
Time division multiple access (in short TDMA) is a method for sharing a radio network signal. It allows different users to share the same bandwidth by dividing the bandwidth into time slots. The users end up in a session each one after the other with their own time slot (s). This allows users to share the same channel, but only use part of the bandwidth. TDMA has been used in various digital applications, e.g. GSM, 2G and DECT (cordless telephones). Time division multiple access is a variation on the more general term multiplexing. And ensures a lower power consumption.
FURUNO fa-4070-brochure-en.pdf
FURUNO fa-4070-brochure-de.pdf
FURUNO fa-70-installation-manual.pdf